Monday, May 28, 2012

The Big Bad Wolf, The Mad Hatter, and Me (aka Red Riding Hood)

Fairy Tales

I so look forward to our Fairy Tale Unit each year!!  The kids get so excited. :)  This year for Read Across America, everyone on our campus dressed up as a storybook character.  Since first grade was right in the middle of our fairy tale unit, we chose that genre for our students to dress up as.  There were so many cute characters that showed up for class that day!

First Grade Nick Nack PaddyWacks: "Gum Drop" and "Candy Bar" Fractions

First Grade Nick Nack PaddyWacks: "Gum Drop" and "Candy Bar" Fractions: Anchor Chart for Fractions

First Grade Nick Nack PaddyWacks: Daily 5 Anchor Charts

First Grade Nick Nack PaddyWacks: Daily 5 Anchor Charts

Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Gum Drop" and "Candy Bar" Fractions

Anchor Chart for Fractions

Daily 5 Anchor Charts

Our Classroom Contract

At the beginning of the year, the students come up with a list of ideas of what a first grade classroom should look like, sound like, and feel like.  (They also discuss what a first grade classroom SHOULD NOT look like, sound like, and feel like.)  We list the positive behaviors of a classroom.  Then I give each child a hot dot to place beside the #1 most important, then another hot dot for #2, and #3.  We then write the contract together.  Everyone signs it, and we post it in the room so that everyone can refer to it daily.  I also make a copy of it to go in the parent handbook.

DRA Data

These are some of our data charts posted in the classroom that show our DRA scores each 9 weeks.